Design Terminal is an international innovation agency. We are leading and participating in Horizon projects on the European stage. We support talents and companies in their development through business consultation and personalized accelerator programs. Our international experts help you to find the best solutions for your challenges. By building communities, we provide a wide network and lasting experiences for all participants in our programs.








innovation programs

Team Members

In our Budapest office you can run into determined project managers, creative communications specialists, talented photographers and graphic designer, accurate financiers, indispensable assistants and interns too. Although we are a diverse team, coming from different backgrounds, we all share a common enthusiasm for world-changing innovation.

  • Gergely Böszörményi-Nagy CEO
  • László Jónás Head of Strategy, CEO
  • Lajos Diána Graphic Designer
  • Lilla Liszkay Photographer
  • Ibolya Rácz Financial Assistant
  • Mária Rácz Head of Finance
  • Sári Miklós Head of Client Relations
  • Balázs Takács Head of Communications
  • Tímea Végh Head of Operations & HR
  • Zsuzsanna Bódi Strategic Advisor
  • Dorina Póta Social Media Manager
  • Kristóf Molnár Deputy Head of Strategy
  • Katalin Szilágyi Project and Grants Manager
  • Petra Kónyi-Kiss Operations Manager
  • Karolina Tóth Project Manager
  • Kata Holecz Office Manager
  • Diána Kiss Project Manager
  • Sophia Hanson Project Manager
  • Lőrinc Páva Project Coordinator, ESA Technology Broker
  • Marcell Izing Project Manager
  • Ágnes Visnyovszki Financial Assistant
  • Laura Götzinger Legal Expert
  • Angéla Csala Legal Counsel
  • Beáta Imre Senior Project Manager
  • Triniti Vajda Project Manager Assistant
  • Miklós Vargha Photographer



We launch our acceleration activity for creative industry entrepreneurs.


We start to focus on tech-based startups with strong social impact and launch our first corporate innovation projects.


With the support of the Visegrad Fund, we focus on boosting business development in the V4 region.


As a consortium leader, we are expanding our international activities across Europe. We are launching business development programs in several industries: we are already present in the automotive and aerospace sectors.


We are constantly looking for talents and seeking innovation.


The Womenture project aim is to empower innovation agencies and accelerators to generate new joint services and activities into their initiatives to boost female entrepreneurship while broadening the participating ecosystem across Europe. Our consortium partners are: DEX IC, Tehnopol, SpinLab - The HHL Accelerator. Case Study Read more
The AD4DG’s overall objective is to design the foundations of a European data space that support the key priorities of biodiversity, climate change, and pollution. Read more
The Hungarian AI EDIH will support the digital transformation of companies, especially SMEs and small mid-caps, and public sector organisations and will provide support for creating and implementing AI enabled products, services, and operations with special focus on seven priority industries. Case Study Read more
The WEnnovate project is a collaborative effort to create new systems and solutions to address urgent complex and systemic challenges. The focus is on the transition to sustainable renewable energy and cross-sector activities in energy and digital innovations, aligned with the European Commission's energy directives. Case Study Read more
In 2020 we joined a two-year long project called X-Europe. The aim of the program was to connect the innovation ecosystems of Western and Central-Eastern parts of the continent. The program helped companies that are based on scientific research and deep-tech innovation with various types of knowledge and a strong network. Our role was to pay special attention to startups of the Visegrad region. Case Study
The project uses space related themes and the genuine fascination felt by young people for space to enhance school pupils’ literacy and competence in STEM-related subjects. The ESERO project also highlights the associated applications from space and raises awareness of the large range of career prospects in the space domain. Read more
We are responsible for the European Space Agency’s incubation activity for space industry startups in Hungary. ESA Business Incubation Center Hungary helps entrepreneurs with professional guidance, networking possibilities and a funding of €50.000. Case Study Application
The aim of the European Space Agency's Technology Broker program is to bridge the gap between space technology and market needs by supporting the transfer of space solutions to traditional industries. If a company is facing a challenge that can be solved by a space innovation, the Technology Broker connects it with the right space startup. The successful transfer is supported by the Spark Funding opportunity, which provides financial support to the companies that are looking to develop their business with space technology. Application
The hub of Design Terminal’s space related activites. Read more
Together with the International Visegrad Fund we established the V4 SUF as the first startup scholarship program in the V4 Region. The program helps Hungarian, Slovak, Czech and Polish entrepreneurs develop locally. We believe that’s the first step towards an easier regional expansion. Case Study
We've partnered with the National Talent Centre to find young adults between 18 and 27 years old to provide them with strong financial support, business training and community to start their own business. Through the START portfolio of mentoring programs, we help participants from the idea stage all the way to market. Read more
We are working with the National Innovation Agency to reform the Hungarian Startup University Program. HSUP is Hungary's first higher education-level startup program which aims to shape students' innovative approaches, inspire them to seek new ideas and channel them into the startup ecosystem. In two semesters, students will learn about the world of startups and gain practical knowledge on how to build a business, from idea phase and finance to legal and HR operations.
In partnership with the Matthias Corvinus Collegium, our aim to give young talents the opportunity to gain insights into entrepreneurship beyond traditional career paths. The Entrepreneurship Development Program provides students with the opportunity to learn business-building skills, as well as basic economic awareness, business knowledge and a valuable network of contacts.
As a professional partner we are cooperating with the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture in various program elements of the first agritech startup program in the country. It’s aim is not less than the digitization of the sector. Innovative solutions increase the competitiveness of Hungarian agriculture, meanwhile startups participating can enter the market easier with the help of corporations in the program. Case Study
The purpose of the Carpathian Basin Mentoring Program is to connect Hungarian small and large entrepreneurs in the region, thus helping to develop a cohesive entrepreneurial community. Since 2016, the program of the Prime Minister’s Office State Secretariat for Hungarian Communities Abroad, in which Design Terminal is a professional partner, has reached more than 3,000 entrepreneurs.

Contact us

Optimists ahead!

Not sure how to start building your business? Contact us for a consultation and we will help you start your dream project on the road to success.


If you want to be part of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and you are committed to sustainable innovation, this is the place for you!


Questions? Contact us and we'll get back to you soon.